Primo Piano d’Artista, curated by Alessandra Galasso
Museo del Novecento, Milano
AGENTE-AGISCE-AGITO. Pensieri in movimento, prende spunto da alcune riflessioni dell'antropologo francese Marcel Jousse (1886-1961) che analizzando il ruolo del gesto e del ritmo nel processo della conoscenza, della memoria e dell’espressione umana, elaborò un nuovo campo di ricerca denominato “antropologia del gesto”.
Lo spazio viene trasformato in un luogo di riflessione, di sosta e di socializzazione, in cui i diversi elementi costituiscono appunti per lo sviluppo di future possibili opere: disegni, annotazioni, video proiezioni e un ciclo di incontri con professionisti provenienti da diverse discipline: sport, filosofia, medicina e neuroscienze; ciascun relatore propone le proprie riflessioni sul tema del linguaggio dei gesti partendo dal proprio ambito di ricerca Tutti gli interventi vengono filmati e i video si aggiungono all’installazione della mostra realizzando l’opera video Coro.
Numerose sedie e poltrone provenienti dallo studio dell’artista sono a disposizione del pubblico per leggere, chiacchierare, ascoltare le conferenze oppure guardare i video, trasmessi su monitor distribuiti nello spazio, che proiettano immagini di mani e braccia di intellettuali colte in movimento durante conversazioni, lezioni e dibattiti pubblici. I visitatori potranno altresì sfogliare ed eventualmente fare delle fotocopie di libri che provengono dalla biblioteca personale dell’artista. “Le posture – i corpi, i gesti, i movimenti – sono forme parallele e trasversali per intendere ed esprimere il senso e il significato del mondo”.
AGENTE-AGISCE-AGITO. Pensieri in movimento, prende spunto da alcune riflessioni dell'antropologo francese Marcel Jousse (1886-1961) che analizzando il ruolo del gesto e del ritmo nel processo della conoscenza, della memoria e dell’espressione umana, elaborò un nuovo campo di ricerca denominato “antropologia del gesto”.
AGENT-ACT-ACTED. Thoughts in movement, inspired by reflections of the French anthropologist Marcel Jousse (1886-1961) who analyzed the role of gesture and rhythm in the process of cognition, of memory and of human expression, and developed a new field of research called "anthropology of gesture."
The space was transformed into a place of reflection, rest and socialization, in which different elements including drawings, annotations, paintings, second hand chairs, video projections and a series of meetings with professionals from various disciplines, such as sport, philosophy, medicine and neuroscience, all became part of a new work. Each speaker was filmed offering his thoughts on the topic of body language and the images and the audio cacophony were added to the other projections in the exhibition.
Numerous randomly placed armchairs and chairs coming from the artist‘s studio were made available to the public to use while they read, talked, listened to lectures and watched videos, broadcast on monitors that showed images of hands and arms in movement of intellectuals engaged in conversations, lectures and public debates. Visitors could also browse and possibly make photocopies of books that came from the artist's personal library. "Postures - bodies, gestures, movements - are parallel and transverse forms which express the sense and meaning of the world."
AGENTE-AGISCE-AGITO, Pensieri in movimento, is inspired by some thoughts of the french anthropologist Marcel Jousse (1886-1961), who analyzed the role of gesture and rhythm in the process of knowledge, of memory and of human expression, developing a new field called "Anthropology of the gesture".
videos Agenti 02, 09, 015
videos Agenti 02, 09, 015
videos Agenti 02, 09, 015
Installation view detail
Installation view detail
Installation view detail
Installation view
Installation view detail
Installation view detail
Installation view
Installation view detail
Untitled, detail oil on canvas, 35x60cm, 2006
Installation view detail
Installation view detail
Installation view detail
Applause, oil on canvas, 27 x 42 cm, 2009
Installation view, 13 September h 5:30 pm performance with Ludovica Lumer neuroscientist and_moderating Andrea Pinotti philosopher
Installation view, 13 September h 5:30 pm performance with Ludovica Lumer neuroscientist and_moderating Andrea Pinotti philosopher
Installation view, during the performance
Installation view
The red bodies, oil on canvas 100x100cm, 2008
The red bodies, detail
Installation view, detail
Magma, collage, digital print 30x30cm, 2009
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view, detail
Untitled, 2006, oil on wood, 50x75cm, Two newspaper clippings overlapping
Agente 01 Video-still, 26 seconds, 2011
Installation view, 14 September h 5:30 pm performance with Ludovica Lumer neuroscientist and_moderating Lea Pericoli tennis champion
Installation view
Installation view, detail
Installation view, detail
Installation view, 15 September h 5:30 pm performance with Ludovica Lumer neuroscientist and moderating Jane Messina hand surgeon
Installation view
Installation view, detail
Untitled, oil on canvas, 80x120cm, 2007
Installation view, 16 September h 5:30 pm performance with Ludovica Lumer neuroscientist and moderating Vittorio Gallese neuroscientist
Installation view, during the performance
Untitled, print on tissue paper on canvas 65x50cm 2007
Installation view, 18 September h 5:30 pm performance with Ludovica Lumer neuroscientist and moderating Gustavo Pietropolli Charmet neurophsychiatric
Installation view, during the performance
Installation view, propedeutic area, detail
Installation view, propedeutic area, detail
Installation view, Choir, monitors, video, audio